VIZIO VF550XVT1A T-CON 6871L-4550A (6870C-4000F)
VIZIO VF550XVT1A Main Board
3655-0012-0150 (0171-2272-2832)
Substitute Parts: 6871L-1502A, 6871L-1502D, 6871L-1502B, 6871L-1502C, 6871L-1502F,6871L-4470A, 6871L-4470F, 6871L-4470C, 6871L-4470G, 6871L-4550C, 6871L-4550B, 6871L-4550D, 6871L-1563A, 6871L-1551A, 6871L-2002A, 6871L-2002B, 6871L-1925A, 6871L-1816A,6871L-1862A, 6871L-1891B
Compatible TV Models:
Vizio |
VF550X1AJ VF550XVT1A |
Often times there are TV models that usemore than one set of parts and/or panels.
Important Message: Part number can be found on the sticker.